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Thomas Gresham Quiz Night 2023

21 NOVEMBER 2023


Â鶹¸ßÇå - Dining Hall

The Thomas Gresham Bursary Award was founded in 2017 by pupils in the Upper Eighth Form, with the aim of raising money to enable a pupil to study at St Paul’s.

To continue their success, the reins have been handed to successive groups of Upper Eighth pupils and they are bringing back the quiz to kick off this year’s fundraising. Join us for a challenging and entertaining evening for a cause integral to the St Paul’s Community.

Guests will be invited to bring their own food, and there will be a pay bar (card only).

Please note, this event is for parents and Old Paulines only, current Paulines and those under 18 are unable to attend.

The Thomas Gresham Award is a wholly pupil-led appeal, fundraising to provide a 100% bursary for the highest performing pupil at 11+ who is in need of financial support. Previous quiz nights have raised in the region of £30,000 for the appeal and the previous committees have raised over £140,000 in total so far. To find out more about The Thomas Gresham Bursary Award, please click here.

Find out more about St Paul’s Fundraising events here

Old Pauline Club Parents Staff
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